Combine24: Generative Art Competition

Name of Competition: Combine24: Generative Art Competition

Closing Date: May 31, 2024

Art Competition Details
The Finnish National Gallery is hosting an open generative art competition Combine24 as part of the Digital Finnish National Gallery programme.

The aim of the competition is to seek out new generative artworks that incorporate the Finnish National Gallery’s CC0 licensed collection data and blockchain technology.

The competition is judged in two parts. From the initial submissions ten shortlisted works will be selected to compete for the three prizes (10,000 Euro, 8,000 Euro and 5,000 Euro) and to be part of the competition exhibition, held in Helsinki in the autumn of 2024.

Participants are asked to create a new generative artwork that innovatively uses the copyright-free, CC0-licensed collection data of the Finnish National Gallery in its implementation as well as blockchain technology. By generative art, the organizers refer to works that use an algorithm governed by artist-defined rules and parameters, and that generates dynamic variations.

The competition is a general and open international generative art competition for all natural persons or working groups consisting of natural persons.

Participation is open for both individual artists and artist groups. Artists or artist groups can participate with a maximum of three submissions. From these submitted works, a maximum of one can be selected for the shortlist.

The Finnish National Gallery is the largest art museum in Finland.

Who may enter? Open to anyone around the world

Website with Art Competition details:

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