Rob Gutteridge is an award winning artist working in the fields of painting and drawing. In May 2016 he opened the Rob Gutteridge School of Classical Realism (RGCR) in Adelaide, South Australia, becoming its founding Director and teacher.
The teaching of painting and drawing at the RGCR is based on the training methods of French 19th century academies.
The RGCR provides a complete curriculum dedicated to teaching realism. It is unique in Australia.
The RGCR Program covers Bargue drawing, sight-size and comparative drawing, cast drawing and painting, anatomy drawing and ecorche, painting materials and techniques, and life painting and life drawing. The RGCR also runs intensives and workshops in various aspects of realist painting and drawing.
From 16th January – 28th January 2017
2 week, 80 hour, anatomy sculpture intensive (ecorche).
Limited places left. Anyone wanting to attend can contact me on robjgutteridge@gmail.com to enrol.
Rob Gutteridge School of Classical Realism
49A Whitmore Square
Adelaide SA 5000