Name of Competition: NATIONAL OIL AND ACRYLIC PAINTERS SOCIETY 2020 Spring International Online Exhibition

Closing Date: April 5, 2020

Art Competition Details
The National Oil and Acrylic Painters Society (NOAPS) has been showcasing the best in Oil and Acrylic paintings since 1991. This contest is open to artists over 18 years of age working in OIL  and ACRYLIC  paint from all around the world.
You do not have to be  a member of NOAPS to enter this contest.

Total of $400.00 U.S. in cash awards and 10 awards of membership to NOAPS.  1st Place Prize $1000.00

150 artworks work will be chosen and eligible for awards and 150 artists will be given recognition on the NOAPS website with name, painting, and a link to their website as well as social media exposure.

$30. U.S. for first submission and $10 for each additional submission up to a maximum of 5 submissions.

For more information and click on 2020 Spring Online

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